Hello Friends,
This is just a short note today. 2025 is upon us. And, while much of our feeds are filled with the Best of 2024, I always seem to look forward to what the next year will bring.
Ever the dreamer, I invariably see potential—for peace, discoveries, scientific achievements, fresh adventures, and renewed creativity.
Use Your Blinka!
I live in a part of the world where people use the word blinka instead of turn indicator. And, this year, what you call that light that tells people that you are making a turn hasn’t really mattered, because in this season of lights, more than any other I remember, people seem to refuse to use it. They just dart in and out without warning.
Apparently, people are more distracted than ever. The holidays are a good excuse, but I believe this season is especially designed to give more attention to things, not less. Yet, when we have a long todo list, we tend to become laser focused and enter a tunnel vision state.
I suggest widening our sights and including more without focusing on anything is a useful exercise.
Try it.
Move your focus to about 5-10 feet in front of you. It depends on your surroundings. Essentially, you want to look at empty space. While you’re doing this, notice everything in your view—objects near the center, further out from the center, and on the periphery without shifting your focus.
Just see all you can see. It takes practice. But, eventually, if you keep working on it, you’ll be able to see everything at once.
The more you do it, the more you discern. Your brain receives it all, anyway. You just don’t attend to it consciously.
New Year, New …
Something to consider in the new year. What are you missing by focusing too tightly on what you think you need? All this other stuff is there, anyway. Why not enjoy it?
Take care. Be safe. Wish for peace.
Happy writing and happy reading,